Are You Armed With These 3 Critical Small Business Skills?
As a small business owner, you wear all kinds of hats – the question is are you gaining ground and sharpening 3 important skills that can lead you to success:
Critical Small Business Skills
- Prospecting – Are you still using the cold calling approach? Cold calling is becoming obsolete. You need to be using warm outreach which means finding numerous ways to connect with your prospects. Use your networks and social media to find your commonalities with prospects. Mutual connections are a vital link to meeting a prospect.
- Efficiently Recruit – Use your top employees to help you find the best people. If you’re in a pinch hire trustworthy freelancers to cover you in the short term, and you could very well find a new employee whose work you have already tried and and tested.
- Insightful Content – Personalize and tailor your content for your market segment, and that can make your content relevant. For example, a new customer’s interests may differ from a customer who has used your products/services for a longer period of time. There are plethora of media channels available, make sure you are using the ones that your audience is involved with.
Running your own business is a difficult quest; mastering finding new prospects, maintaining your customer base and efficiently running your business with great employees can make for a successful journey.
Read more: 3 Skills Every Small Business Owner Should Have (and How to Get Them)
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